Diplomat Akademi Yabancı Dil ve Kariyer Okulu olarak ücretsiz ingilizce bilgilendirmeler yaptığımız blog yazılarımızın bu bölümünde ingilizce kısaltmalar için yer ayırdık. Günlük kullanımda karşımıza çıkan kısaltmaları bir araya getirerek ingilizce kısaltmalar sözlüğü hazırladık. En çok kullanılan ingilizce kısaltmalar ile ingilizce karşılıklarını aşağıdaki tablolardan harf sırasına göre inceleyebilirsiniz.
A Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
a | (in dates) ante |
abbrev. | abbreviation (of) |
Abbrev. | abbreviation(s) |
Abd. | Aberdeen |
Aberd. | Aberdeen |
Aberdeensh. | Aberdeenshire |
abl. | ablative |
Abol. | abolition |
Aborig. | aboriginal |
Abp. | archbishop |
Abr. | abridged |
Abridg. | abridged |
Abridgem. | abridgement |
absol. | absolute(ly) |
Absol. | absolute |
Abst. | abstract(s) |
abstr. | abstract |
Abstr. | abstract(s) |
Acad. | academia, academy, academic(al) |
acc. | according (to) |
acc. | accusative |
Acc. | account(s) |
Accept. | acceptance |
Accomm. | accommodation |
Accompl. | accomplished |
Accs. | accounts |
Acct. | account |
Accts. | accounts |
accus. | accusative |
Achievem. | achievement |
A.D. | Anno Domini |
ad. | adaptation of |
Add. | addendum, addenda |
Addit. | addition(s) |
Addr. | address |
adj. | adjective, adjectival |
adj. phr. | adjectival phrase |
adjs. | adjectives |
Adm. | admiral |
Adm. | admiralty |
Admin. | administration, administrative |
Admir. | admiralty |
Admon. | admonition |
Admonit. | admonition |
adv. | adverb, adverbial(ly) |
Adv. | advanced |
Adv. | advances |
Adv. | adventure(s) |
Adv. | advices |
Adv. | advocate |
Advancem. | advancement(s) |
advb. | adverb, adverbial(ly) |
Advert. | advertisement |
Advoc. | advocate |
advs. | adverbs |
Advt. | advertisement |
Advts. | advertisements |
Aerodynam. | aerodynamics |
Aeronaut. | aeronautics, aeronautical |
Aff. | affairs |
Affect. | affecting |
Affect. | affection(s) |
Afr. | Africa(n) |
Agric. | agriculture, agricultural |
agst. | against |
Alch. | alchemy |
Alg. | algebra |
Alleg. | allegiance |
Allit. | alliterative |
Alm. | almanac |
Alph. | alphabet, alphabetical |
alt. | alteration |
Amer. | America, American |
Anal. | analysis |
Analyt. | analytic(al) |
Anat. | anatomy, anatomical |
Anc. | ancient |
Anecd. | anecdotes |
Ang. | Anglian |
Angl. | Anglian |
Anglo-Ind. | Anglo-Indian |
Anim. | animal(s) |
Ann. | annal(s) |
Ann. | annual |
Anniv. | anniversary |
Annot. | annotation |
Anon. | (in author names) Anonymous |
Answ. | answer |
Ant. | antiquities |
Anthrop. | anthropology |
Anthropol. | anthropology, anthropological |
Antiq. | antiquity, antiquities |
aphet. | aphetic, aphetized |
Apoc. | apocalyptic(al) |
Apol. | apology, apologies |
app. | apparently |
App. | appendix |
Appl. | applied |
Applic. | application(s) |
appos. | appositive(ly) |
Apr. | April |
Arab. | Arabic |
Arb. | (in author names) Arber |
arch. | archaic |
Arch. | architecture |
Arch. | archive(s) |
Archaeol. | archaeology, archaeological |
Archipel. | archipelago |
Archit. | architecture, architectural |
Argt. | argument |
Arith. | arithmetic |
Arithm. | arithmetic, arithmetical |
Arrangem. | arrangement |
art. | article |
Artic. | articulation |
Artific. | artificial |
Artill. | artillery |
Ashm. | (in author names) Ashmole |
Assemb. | assembly, assemblies |
Assoc. | association |
Assoc. Football | Association Football |
Assyriol. | Assyriology |
Astr. | astronomy |
Astrol. | astrology |
Astron. | astronomy, astronomic(al) |
Astronaut. | astronautics, astronautical |
Att. | Attic |
attrib. | attributive(ly) |
Attrib. | attribute(s) |
Aug. | August |
Austral. | Australia(n) |
Auth. | author(s) |
Autobiog. | autobiography |
Autobiogr. | autobiography, autobiographic(al) |
A.V. | Authorized Version |
Ayrsh. | Ayrshire |
B Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Bacteriol. | bacteriology, bacteriologic(al) |
B.C. | Before Christ |
B.C. | British Columbia |
Bedford. | Bedfordshire |
Bedfordsh. | Bedfordshire |
bef. | before |
Bel & Dr. | (in the Apocrypha) Bel and the Dragon |
Belg. | Belgian |
Berks. | Berkshire |
Berksh. | Berkshire |
Berw. | Berwickshire |
Berwicksh. | Berwickshire |
betw. | between |
Bibliogr. | bibliography |
Biochem. | biochemistry, biochemical |
Biog. | biography |
Biogr. | biography, biographic(al) |
Biol. | biology, biological |
Bk. | book |
Bks. | books |
BNC | British National Corpus |
Bord. | border |
Bot. | botany, botanic(al) |
Bp. | Bishop |
Braz. | Brazilian |
Brit. | Britain, British |
Bucks. | Buckinghamshire |
Build. | building |
Bull. | bulletin |
Bur. | bureau |
C Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
c. | century |
C. | county, counties |
c | (in dates) circa |
Cal. | calendar |
Calc. | calculus |
Calend. | calendar |
Calif. | California |
Calligr. | calligraphy |
Camb. | Cambridge |
Cambr. | Cambridge |
Campanol. | campanology |
Canad. | Canadian |
Canterb. | Canterbury |
Capt. | captain |
Cartogr. | cartography, cartographic(al) |
Catal. | catalogue |
Catech. | catechism |
Cath. | Catholic |
cent. | century |
Cent. | central |
Cent. | century |
Ceram. | ceramics |
Cert. | certificate |
Certif. | certificate |
cf. | confer, ‘compare’ |
Ch. | Church |
Chamb. | chamber |
Char. | character |
Charac. | character |
Chas. | Charles |
Chem. Engin. | chemical engineering |
Chem. | chemistry, chemical |
Chesh. | Cheshire |
Ch. Hist. | Church history |
Chr. | Christian |
Chr. | (in the Bible) Chronicles |
Chron. | chronology, chronicle |
Chron. | (in the Bible) Chronicles |
Chronol. | chronology |
Chrons. | chronicles |
Cinematogr. | cinematography, cinematographic(al) |
Circ. | circle |
Civ. Law | civil law |
Civil Engin. | civil engineering |
cl. | clause |
Cl. | club |
Class. Antiq. | classical antiquities |
Class. | classical |
Classif. | classification |
Climatol. | climatology |
Clin. | clinical |
cogn. w. | cognate with |
Col. | colonel |
Col. | (in the Bible) Colossians |
Coll. | collected, collection |
Coll. | college |
collect. | collective(ly) |
Collect. | collection |
colloq. | colloquial(ly) |
Colloq. | colloquies |
Coloss. | (in the Bible) Colossians |
Com. | common |
Com. | commission |
Comb. | combination(s) |
comb. form | combining form |
Combs. | combinations |
Comm. | commerce, in commercial usage |
Comm. | common |
Comm. | commentary |
Comm. | commission |
Comm. | committee |
Commandm. | commandment |
Commend. | commendation |
Commerc. | commercial |
Commiss. | commission |
Comm. Law | commercial law |
Commonw. | commonwealth |
Communic. | communication(s) |
comp. | comparative |
comp. | compound, composition |
Comp. | companion |
Comp. | company |
Compan. | companion(s) |
Comp. Anat. | comparative anatomy |
compar. | comparative |
Compar. | comparative |
Compend. | compendium, compendious |
compl. | complement |
Compl. | complete |
Compos. | composition |
conc. | concerning |
Conc. | concise |
Conch. | conchology |
Concl. | conclusion |
concr. | concrete(ly) |
Conf. | conference |
Conf. | confession |
Confid. | confidential |
Confl. | conflict |
Confut. | confutation |
Congr. | congress |
Congreg. | congregation |
Congress. | congressional |
conj. | conjugation |
conj. | conjunction |
Conn. | Connecticut |
cons. | consonant |
Consc. | conscience |
Consecr. | consecrated, consecration |
Consid. | consideration(s) |
Consol. | consolation |
const. | construction, construed with |
Constit. Hist. | constitutional history |
Constit. | constitution(al) |
Constr. | construction |
Contemp. | contemporary |
Contempl. | contemplation |
contempt. | contemptuous(ly) |
Contend. | contending(s) |
Content. | contention |
Contin. | continuation |
contr. | contracted, contraction |
contr. | contrasted (with) |
Contradict. | contradiction |
Contrib. | contribution |
Controv. | controversial |
Controv. | controversy |
Conv. | convention |
Convent. | convention |
Conversat. | conversation |
Convoc. | convocation |
Cor. | (in the Bible) Corinthians |
Cornw. | Cornwall |
Coron. | coronation |
Corr. | correspondence |
corresp. | corresponding (to) |
Corresp. | correspondence |
Counc. | council |
Courtsh. | courtship |
cpd. | compound |
Craniol. | craniology |
Craniom. | craniometry |
Crim. | criminal |
Crim. Law | criminal law |
Crit. | critical |
Crit. | criticism |
Crt. | court |
Crts. | courts |
Cryptogr. | cryptography |
Crystallogr. | crystallography |
Ct. | count |
Ct. | court |
Cumb. | Cumberland |
Cumberld. | Cumberland |
Cumbld. | Cumberland |
Cycl. | cyclopaedia |
Cytol. | cytology, cytological |
D Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Dan. | (in the Bible) Daniel |
dat. | dative |
Dau. | daughter |
D.C. | District of Columbia |
Deb. | debate |
Dec. | December |
Declar. | declaration |
Ded. | dedicated |
Ded. | dedication |
def. | definite |
def. | definition |
Def. | defence |
Deliv. | deliverance |
dem. | demonstrative |
Demonstr. | demonstration |
Dep. | department |
Dep. | deputy |
Depred. | depredation |
Depredat. | depredation |
Dept. | department |
Derbysh. | Derbyshire |
deriv. | derivative (in etymologies) |
derog. | derogatory |
Descr. | description, descriptive |
Deut. | (in the Bible) Deuteronomy |
Devel. | development |
Devonsh. | Devonshire |
dial. | dialect |
Dial. | dialect |
Dict. | dictionary |
Diffic. | difficult, difficulty |
dim. | diminutive |
Direct. | direction |
Dis. | disease(s) |
Disc. | discourse |
Discipl. | discipline |
Discov. | discovery |
Discrim. | discrimination |
Discuss. | discussion |
Diss. | dissertation |
Dist. | district |
Distemp. | distemper |
Distill. | distilling |
Distrib. | distribution |
Div. | divinity |
Div. | division |
Divers. | diversity |
Dk. | Duke |
Doc. | document(s) |
Doctr. | doctrine |
Domest. | domestic |
Durh. | Durham |
dyslog. | dyslogistic |
E Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
e. | east |
E. | east, eastern |
E. Afr. | East Africa(n) |
E. Angl. | East Anglia(n) |
E. Anglian | East Anglian |
East Ind. | East Indies, East Indian |
east. | eastern (dialect) |
Eccl. | ecclesiastical |
Eccl. | (in the Bible) Ecclesiastes |
Eccles. | ecclesiastical |
Eccles. | (in the Bible) Ecclesiastes |
Eccl. Hist. | ecclesiastical history |
Eccl. Law | ecclesiastical law |
Ecclus. | (in the Apocrypha) Ecclesiasticus |
Ecol. | ecology, ecological |
Econ. | economics, economic(al) |
ed. | edition |
Ed. | edition |
Ed. | Edward |
E.D.D. | English Dialect Dictionary |
Edin. | Edinburgh |
Edinb. | Edinburgh |
Educ. | education, education(al) |
Edw. | Edward |
E.E.T.S. | Early English Text Society |
Egypt. | Egyptian |
Egyptol. | Egyptology |
E. Ind. | East Indies, East Indian |
Electr. | electricity, electric(al) |
Electr. Engin. | electrical engineering |
Electro-magn. | electro-magnetism |
Electro-physiol. | electro-physiology |
Elem. | element(s), elementary |
Eliz. | Elizabeth |
Elizab. | Elizabethan |
ellipt. | elliptical(ly) |
Emb. | embassy |
Embryol. | embryology, embryologic(al) |
e. midl. | east midland (dialect) |
emph. | emphatic(ally) |
Encycl. | encyclopaedia, encyclopaedic |
Encycl. Brit. | Encyclopaedia Britannica |
Encycl. Metrop. | Encyclopaedia Metropolitana |
Eng. | England, English |
Engin. | engineering |
Englishw. | Englishwomen |
Enq. | enquiry |
Ent. | entomology, entomological |
Enthus. | enthusiasm |
Entom. | entomology, entomological |
Entomol. | entomology, entomological |
Enzymol. | enzymology |
eOE | (in dates) early Old English |
Ep. | epistle |
Eph. | (in the Bible) Ephesians |
Ephes. | (in the Bible) Ephesians |
Epil. | epilogue |
Episc. | episcopacy |
Epist. | epistle |
Epit. | epitaph |
Equip. | equipment |
erron. | erroneous(ly) |
Esd. | (in the Apocrypha) Esdras |
esp. | especially |
Ess. | essay(s) |
Essent. | essential |
Establ. | establishment |
Esth. | (in the Bible) Esther |
Ethnol. | ethnology |
etym. | etymology |
etymol. | etymological(ly) |
Etymol. | etymology, etymological |
euphem. | euphemistic(ally) |
Eval. | evaluation |
Evang. | evangelical |
Even. | evening |
Evid. | evidence |
Evol. | evolution, evolutionary |
Ex. doc. | executive document |
Exalt. | exaltation |
Exam. | examination |
exc. | except |
Exch. | exchange |
Exch. | exchequer |
Exec. | execution |
Exec. | executive |
Exerc. | exercise(s) |
Exhib. | exhibition, exhibit(s) |
Exod. | (in the Bible) Exodus |
Exped. | expedition |
Exper. | experiment, experimental |
Explan. | explanation |
Explic. | explication |
Explor. | exploration |
Expos. | exposition, expository |
Ezek. | (in the Bible) Ezekiel |
F Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
f. | feminine |
f. | folio |
Fab. | fable(s) |
fam. | familiar(ly) |
Fam. | family |
famil. | familiar(ly) |
Farew. | farewell |
Feb. | February |
fem. | feminine |
Ff. | folios |
Fifesh. | Fifeshire |
fig. | figurative(ly) |
fl. | floruit, ‘flourished’ |
Footpr. | footprint |
Forfarsh. | Forfarshire |
Fortif. | fortification |
Fortn. | fortnightly |
Found. | foundation(s) |
Fr. | father |
Fr. | French |
Fr. | from |
Fragm. | fragment(s) |
Fratern. | fraternity |
freq. | frequently |
Friendsh. | friendship |
Fund. | fundamental(s) |
Furnit. | furniture |
fut. | future |
G Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Gal. | (in the Bible) Galatians |
Gard. | garden, gardening |
Gastron. | gastronomy |
Gaz. | gazette |
Gd. | good |
gen. | general(ly) |
gen. | genitive |
Gen. | general |
Gen. | (in the Bible) Genesis |
Geo. | George |
Geog. | geography |
Geogr. | geography, geographic(al) |
Geol. | geology, geologic(al) |
Geom. | geometry, geometric(al) |
Geomorphol. | geomorphology |
Ger. | German |
gerund. | gerundial |
Glac. | glacier(s) |
Glasg. | Glasgow |
Glos. | Gloucestershire |
Gloss. | glossary |
Glouc. | Gloucestershire |
Gloucestersh. | Gloucestershire |
Gosp. | gospel(s) |
Gov. | government |
Govt. | government |
Gr. | grammar |
Gram. | grammar |
Gramm. Analysis | grammatical analysis |
Gt. | great |
Gynaecol. | gynaecology |
H Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Hab. | (in the Bible) Habakkuk |
Haematol. | haematology |
Hag. | (in the Bible) Haggai |
Hampsh. | Hampshire |
Handbk. | handbook |
Hants. | Hampshire |
Heb. | Hebrew |
Heb. | (in the Bible) Hebrews |
Hebr. | (in the Bible) Hebrews |
Hen. | Henry |
Her. | heraldry |
Herb. | herbalism |
Heref. | Herefordshire |
Hereford. | Herefordshire |
Herefordsh. | Herefordshire |
Hertfordsh. | Hertfordshire |
Hierogl. | Hieroglyphic |
hist. | historical |
Hist. | history, historic(al) |
Histol. | histology, histologic(al) |
Hom. | homilies |
Horol. | horology |
Hort. | horticulture, horticultural |
Hos. | (in the Bible) Hosea |
Hosp. | hospital |
Househ. | household |
Housek. | housekeeping |
Husb. | husbandry |
Hydraul. | hydraulic |
Hydrol. | hydrology, hydrological |
I Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Ichth. | ichthyology |
Icthyol. | icthyology |
Ideol. | ideology, ideological |
Idol. | idolatry |
Illustr. | illustrated, illustration(s) |
Imag. | imaginary, imagination |
imit. | imitative |
Immunol. | immunology |
imp. | imperative |
imperf. | imperfect |
impers. | impersonal |
impf. | imperfect |
Impr. | impression(s) |
Impr. | imprint |
Impr. | improved |
improp. | improper(ly) |
Inaug. | inaugural |
Inclos. | inclosure |
Ind. | India(n) |
ind. | indicative |
ind. | indirect |
Ind. | industry |
indef. | indefinite |
indic. | indicative |
indir. | indirect |
Industr. | industrial |
Industr. Rel. | industrial relations |
infin. | infinitive |
infl. | influenced |
Infl. | influence |
Innoc. | innocence, innocent |
Inorg. | inorganic |
Inq. | inquiry |
Inst. | institute, institution |
instr. | instrumental |
Instr. | instruction |
int. | interjection |
Intell. | intelligence, intelligent |
Intellect. | intellectual |
Interc. | intercourse |
interj. | interjection |
Interl. | interlude |
Internat. | international |
Interpr. | interpretation |
interrog. | interrogative |
intr. | intransitive |
intrans. | intransitive |
Intro. | introduction |
Introd. | introduction, introductory |
Inv. | inventory, inventories |
Invent. | invention(s) |
Invent. | inventory, inventories |
Invertebr. | invertebrate, invertebrated |
Invert. Zool. | invertebrate zoology |
Investig. | investigation |
Investm. | investment |
Invoc. | invocation |
Ir. | Irish |
Irel. | Ireland |
iron. | ironically |
irreg. | irregular(ly) |
Isa. | (in the Bible) Isaiah |
Ital. | Italian |
J Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Jahrb. | Jahrbuch |
Jam. | (in the Bible) James |
Jam. | (in author names) Jamieson |
Jan. | January |
Jap. | Japanese |
Jas. | James |
Jas. | (in the Bible) James |
Jer. | (in the Bible) Jeremiah |
joc. | jocular(ly) |
Josh. | (in the Bible) Joshua |
Jrnl. | journal |
Jrnls. | journals |
Jud. | (in the Bible) Judges |
Judg. | (in the Bible) Judges |
Jul. | July |
Jun. | June |
Jun. | junior |
Jurisd. | jurisdiction |
Jurisdict. | jurisdiction |
Jurispr. | jurisprudence |
Justif. | justification |
Justific. | justification |
K Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
K. | king |
Kent. | Kentish |
Kgs. | (in the Bible) Kings |
King’s Bench Div. | King’s Bench Division |
Kingd. | kingdom |
Knowl. | knowledge |
Kpr. | keeper |
L Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
l. | line |
Lab. | laboratory |
Lam. | (in the Bible) Lamentations |
Lament | lamentation |
Lament. | (in the Bible) Lamentations |
Lanc. | Lancashire |
Lancash. | Lancashire |
Lancs. | Lancashire |
Lang. | language |
Langs. | languages |
Lat. | Latin |
Ld. | Lord |
Lds. | Lords |
Lect. | lecture(s) |
Leechd. | leechdom |
Leg. | legend(s) |
Leicest. | Leicestershire |
Leicester. | Leicestershire |
Leicestersh. | Leicestershire |
Leics. | Leicestershire |
Let. | letter |
Lett. | letters |
Lev. | (in the Bible) Leviticus |
Lex. | lexicon |
Libr. | library |
Limnol. | limnology |
Lincolnsh. | Lincolnshire |
Lincs. | Lincolnshire |
Ling. | linguistic(s) |
Linn. | Linnean |
lit. | literal(ly) |
Lit. | literary, literature |
Lithogr. | lithography |
Lithol. | lithology |
Liturg. | liturgy |
ll. | lines |
lOE | (in dates) late Old English |
Lond. | London |
LXX | Septuagint |
M Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
m. | masculine |
Macc. | (in the Apocrypha) Maccabees |
Mach. | machinery, machine(s) |
Mag. | magazine |
Magn. | magnetism, magnetic |
Mal. | (in the Bible) Malachi |
Man. | manual |
Managem. | management |
Manch. | Manchester |
Manip. | manipulation |
Manuf. | manufacturing, manufacture(s) |
Mar. | March |
masc. | masculine |
Mass. | Massachussets |
Math. | mathematics, mathematical |
Matt. | (in the Bible) Matthew |
Meas. | measure |
Measurem. | measurement |
Mech. | mechanics, mechanical |
med. | medieval |
Med. | medicine, medical |
Medit. | meditation |
Mem. | memoir(s) |
Merc. | mercury |
Merch. | merchant(s) |
Metall. | metallurgy |
Metallif. | metalliferous |
Metallogr. | metallography, metallographic(al) |
Metallogr. | metallography |
Metamorph. | metamorphosis |
Metaph. | metaphysics |
metaphor. | metaphorical(ly) |
Meteorol. | meteorology, meteorologic(al) |
Meth. | method(s) |
metr. gr. | metri gratia |
Metrop. | metropolitan, metropolis |
Mex. | Mexican |
Mic. | (in the Bible) Micah |
Mich. | Michigan |
Microbiol. | microbiology |
Microsc. | microscopic(al) |
midl. | midland(s) (dialect) |
Mil. | military |
Milit. | military |
Min. | mineralogy |
Mineral. | mineralogy, minaralogic(al) |
Misc. | miscellaneous, miscellany |
Miscell. | miscellany |
mispr. | misprinted |
mod. | modern |
Mod. | modern |
Monum. | monument |
Morphol. | morphology |
MS. | manuscript |
MSS. | manuscripts |
Mt. | mount(ain) |
Mtg. | meeting |
Mts. | mountains |
Munic. | municipal |
Munif. | munificence |
Munim. | muniment |
Mus. | music, musical |
Mus. | museum |
Myst. | mystery |
Myth. | mythology |
Mythol. | mythology |
N Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
n. | neuter |
n. | north |
n. | noun |
N. | north, northern |
N. Afr. | North Africa(n) |
Nah. | (in the Bible) Nahum |
N. Amer. | North America(n) |
Narr. | narrative |
Narrat. | narrative |
Nat. | natural |
Nat. Hist. | natural history |
Nat. Philos. | natural philosophy |
Nat. Sci. | natural science |
Naut. | nautical |
Nav. | naval |
Nav. | navigation |
Navig. | navigation |
N. Carolina | North Carolina |
N. Dakota | North Dakota |
n.e. | north-eastern (dialect) |
N.E. | north-east, north-eastern |
N.E.D. | New English Dictionary |
Neh. | (in the Bible) Nehemiah |
Neighb. | neighbour(s), neighbourhood |
Nerv. | nervous |
Neurol. | neurology, neurologic(al) |
Neurosurg. | neurosurgery |
New Hampsh. | New Hampshire |
Newc. | Newcastle |
Newspr. | newsprint |
N. Ir. | Northern Irish |
N. Irel. | Northern Ireland |
No. | number |
nom. | nominative |
Non-conf. | nonconformist(s) |
nonce-wd. | nonce-word |
Nonconf. | nonconformist(s) |
Norf. | Norfolk |
north. | northern (dialect) |
Northamptonsh. | Northamptonshire |
Northants. | Northamptonshire |
Northumb. | Northumberland, Northumbrian |
Northumbld. | Northumberland |
Northumbr. | Northumbrian |
Norw. | Norwegian |
Norweg. | Norwegian |
Notts. | Nottinghamshire |
Nov. | November |
ns. | nouns |
N.S. Wales | New South Wales |
N.S.W. | New South Wales |
N.T. | New Testament |
Nucl. | nuclear |
Num. | (in the Bible) Numbers |
Numism. | numismatics |
n.w. | north-western (dialect) |
N.W. | north-west, north-western |
N.Y. | New York |
N.Z. | New Zealand |
O Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Obad. | (in the Bible) Obadiah |
Obed. | obedience |
obj. | object, objective |
Obj. | object(s) |
obl. | oblique |
obs. | obsolete |
Obs. | obsolete |
Observ. | observation(s) |
Obstet. | obstetric(s) |
Obstetr. | obstetric(s) |
Obstetr. Med. | obstetric medicine |
occas. | occasionally |
Occas. | occasional |
Occup. | occupation(al) |
Occurr. | occurrence |
Oceanogr. | oceanography, oceanographic(al) |
Oct. | October |
OE | (in dates) Old English |
O.E.D. | Oxford English Dictionary |
Off. | official, office |
Offic. | official |
Okla. | Oklahoma |
Ont. | Ontario |
Ophthalm. | ophthalmology |
Ophthalmol. | ophthalmology, ophtalmologic(al) |
opp. | opposed (to), the opposite (of) |
Oppress. | oppression |
Opt. | optics |
Orac. | oracle(s) |
Ord. | order(s) |
Ord. | ordinance(s) |
Org. | organic |
Organ. Chem. | organic chemistry |
Org. Chem. | organic chemistry |
orig. | origin(al)(ly) |
Orig. | original |
Orkn. | Orkney |
Ornith. | ornithology |
Ornithol. | ornithology, ornithologic(al) |
Orthogr. | orthography |
O.T. | Old Testament |
Outl. | outline |
Oxf. | Oxford |
Oxfordsh. | Oxfordshire |
Oxon. | Oxfordshire |
P Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
p. | page |
pa. | past |
Pa. | Pennsylvania |
Palaeobot. | palaeobotany |
Palaeogr. | palaeography |
Palaeont. | palaeontology |
Palaeontol. | palaeontology, palaeontologic(al) |
pa. pple. | passive participle, past participle |
Paraphr. | paraphrase, paraphrased |
Parasitol. | parasitology |
Parl. | parliament, parliamentary |
Parnass. | Parnassus |
pass. | passive(ly) |
pa. t. | past tense |
Path. | pathology, pathologic(al) |
Pathol. | pathology, pathologic(al) |
Peculat. | peculation(s) |
Penins. | peninsula |
perf. | perfect |
Perf. | perfect, perfection |
perh. | perhaps |
Periodontol. | periodontology, periodontologic(al) |
pers. | person(al) |
Pers. | Persian |
Pers. | personal |
Persec. | persecution(s) |
personif. | personified |
Perthsh. | Perthshire |
Pet. | (in the Bible) Peter |
Petrogr. | petrography, petrographic(al) |
Petrol. | petrology, petrologic(al) |
pf. | perfect |
Pharm. | pharmacology |
Pharmaceut. | pharmaceutical |
Pharmacol. | pharmacology, pharmacological |
Phil. | philosophy, philosophic(al) |
Phil. | (in the Bible) Philippians |
Philad. | Philadelphia |
Philem. | (in the Bible) Philemon |
Philipp. | (in the Bible) Philippians |
Philol. | philology, philologic(al) |
Philos. | philosophy, philosophic(al) |
Phoen. | Phoenician |
phonet. | phonetic(ally) |
Phonol. | phonology |
Photog. | photography |
Photogr. | photography, photographic(al) |
phr. | phrase |
Phrenol. | phrenology |
Phys. | physiology |
Physical Chem. | physical chemistry |
Physical Geogr. | physical geography |
Physiogr. | physiography |
Physiol. | physiology, physiologic(al) |
Pict. | pictorial |
Pict. | picture(s) |
pl. | plural |
plur. | plural |
poet. | poetic(al) |
Poet. | poetical |
Pol. | politics, political |
Pol. Econ. | political economy |
Polit. | politics, political |
Polytechn. | polytechnic(al) |
pop. | popular(ly) |
Pop. | popular |
Porc. | porcelain |
Port. | Portuguese |
poss. | possessive |
poss. | possible, possibly |
Posth. | posthumous(ly) |
Postm. | postmaster |
Pott. | pottery |
ppl. | participial |
ppl. a. | participial adjective |
ppl. adj. | participial adjective |
ppl. adjs. | participial adjectives |
pple. | participle |
pples. | participles |
P. R. | public records |
pr. | present |
Pract. | practical |
Pract. | practice |
prec. | preceding |
pred. | predicate |
predic. | predicate, predicative(ly) |
Predict. | prediction |
pref. | prefix |
Pref. | preface |
Preh. | prehistoric |
Prehist. | prehistory, prehistoric |
prep. | preposition(al) |
Prerog. | prerogative |
pres. | present |
Pres. | present |
Presb. | Presbyterian |
Presb. | presbytery |
Preserv. | preservation |
pres. pple. | present participle |
Prim. | primer(s) |
Princ. | principle(s) |
Print. | printing |
priv. | privative |
prob. | probably |
Probab. | probability, probabilities |
Probl. | problem |
Proc. | proceedings |
Prod. | product(s) |
Prol. | prologue |
pron. | pronoun |
pron. | pronunciation |
pronunc. | pronunciation |
Pronunc. | pronunciation |
prop. | properly |
Prop. | property, properties |
propr. | proprietary |
Pros. | prosody |
prov. | proverb(ial)(ly) |
Prov. | proverb |
Prov. | (in the Bible) Proverbs |
Provid. | providence(s) |
Provinc. | provincial |
Provis. | provisional |
pr. pple. | present participle |
Ps. | (in the Bible) Psalms |
pseudo-arch. | pseudo-archaic |
pseudo-dial. | pseudo-dialect |
pseudo-Sc. | pseudo-Scots |
Psych. | psychology |
Psychoanal. | psychoanalysis |
Psychoanalyt. | psychoanalytic |
Psychol. | psychology, psychologic(al) |
Psychopathol. | psychopathology, psychopathologic(al) |
Pt. | part |
Publ. | public |
Publ. | publication |
Purg. | purgatory |
Q Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Q. | quarterly |
Q. | queen |
Q. Eliz. | Queen Elizabeth |
Qld. | Queensland |
Quantum Mech. | quantum mechanics |
Queen’s Bench Div. | Queen’s Bench Division |
quot. | quotation |
quots. | quotations |
q.v. | quod vide, ‘which see’ |
R Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
R. | royal |
Radiol. | radiology |
R.A.F. | Royal Air Force |
R.C. | Roman Catholic(ism) |
R.C. Church | Roman Catholic Church |
Reas. | reason(s) |
Reb. | rebellion |
Rebell. | rebellion |
Rec. | record(s) |
Reclam. | reclamation |
Recoll. | recollection |
Redempt. | redemption |
redupl. | reduplicating |
Ref. | reference |
Ref. | reformation |
refash. | refashioned, refashioning |
refl. | reflexive |
Refl. | reflection(s) |
Refus. | refusal |
Refut. | refutation |
reg. | regular |
Reg. | register |
Regic. | regicide |
Regist. | register |
Regr. | register |
rel. | related |
rel. | relative |
Rel. | relating |
Relig. | religion, religious |
Reminisc. | reminiscence(s) |
Remonstr. | remonstrance |
Renfrewsh. | Renfrewshire |
Rep. | report |
repr. | representative, representing |
Reprod. | reproduction, reproductive |
Rept. | report |
Repub. | republic |
Res. | research |
Resid. | residence, residential |
Ret. | return |
Retrosp. | retrospective |
Rev. | review |
Rev. | revised |
Rev. | (in the Bible) Revelation |
Revol. | revolution |
Rhet. | rhetoric |
rhet. | rhetorical(ly) |
Rhode Isl. | Rhode Island |
Rich. | Richard |
R.N. | Royal Navy |
Rom. | Roman |
Rom. | (in the Bible) Romans |
Rom. Antiq. | Roman antiquities |
Ross-sh. | Ross-shire |
Roxb. | Roxburgh |
Roy. | royal |
Rudim. | rudiment(s) |
Russ. | Russia, Russian |
S Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
s. | south |
S. | south, southern |
S. Afr. | South Africa(n) |
Sam. | (in the Bible) Samuel |
Sask. | Saskatchewan |
Sat. | Saturday |
Sax. | Saxon |
sc. | scilicet, ‘understand’ or ‘supply’ |
Sc. | Scottish, Scots |
Scand. | Scandinavia, Scandinavian |
S. Carolina | South Carolina |
Sch. | school |
Sci. | science(s), scientific |
Scot. | Scottish |
Scotl. | Scotland |
Script. | scripture |
Sculpt. | sculpture |
S. Dakota | South Dakota |
s.e. | south-eastern (dialect) |
S.E. | south-east, south-eastern |
Seismol. | seismology |
Sel. | selected |
Sel. comm. | select committee |
Select. | selection |
Sept. | September |
Ser. | series |
Serm. | sermon(s) |
Sess. | session |
Settlem. | settlement |
Sev. | several |
Shakes. | Shakespeare |
Shaks. | Shakespeare |
Sheph. | shepherd |
Shetl. | Shetland |
Shropsh. | Shropshire |
sing. | singular |
Soc. | society |
Sociol. | sociology, sociological |
Som. | Somerset |
Song of Sol. | (in the Bible) Song of Solomon |
Song Sol. | (in the Bible) Song of Solomon |
Sonn. | sonnet |
south. | southern (dialect) |
sp. | spelling |
Span. | Spanish |
spec. | specifically |
Spec. | special |
Spec. | specimen(s) |
Specif. | specification(s) |
Specim. | specimen(s) |
Spectrosc. | spectroscopy |
SS. | saints |
St. | Saint |
St. | street |
Staff. | Staffordshire |
Stafford. | Staffordshire |
Staffordsh. | Staffordshire |
Staffs. | Staffordshire |
Stand. | standard |
Stat. | statistical |
Statist. | statistical |
Stock Exch. | stock exchange |
str. | strong |
Stratigr. | stratigraphy, stratigraphical |
Struct. | structure, structural |
S.T.S. | Scottish Text Society |
Stud. | studies |
subj. | subject |
subj. | subjunctive |
Subj. | subject(s) |
subjunct. | subjunctive |
subord. | subordinate |
subord. cl. | subordinate clause |
Subscr. | subscription |
Subscript. | subscription |
subseq. | subsequent(ly) |
subst. | substantive(ly) |
suff. | suffix |
Suff. | Suffolk |
superl. | superlative |
Suppl. | supplement, supplementary |
Supplic. | supplication(s) |
Suppress. | suppression |
Surg. | surgery, surgical |
Surv. | survey, surveying |
Sus. | (in the Apocrypha) Susanna |
s.v. | sub verbo, ‘under the word’ |
s.w. | south-western (dialect) |
S.W. | south-west, south-western |
syll. | syllable |
Symmetr. | symmetrical |
Symp. | symposium |
Syst. | system |
T Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
t. | tense |
Taxon. | taxonomy, taxonomic |
techn. | technical |
Techn. | technical |
Technol. | technology, technological |
Tel. | telegraph |
Telecomm. | telecommunications |
Telegr. | telegraph |
Telegr. | telegraphy, telegraphic(al) |
Teleph. | telephony, telephonic |
Teratol. | teratology |
Terminol. | terminology, terminological |
Terrestr. | terrestrial |
Test. | testament |
Textbk. | textbook |
Theat. | theatre, theatrical |
Theatr. | theatre, theatrical |
Theol. | theology, theological |
Theoret. | theoretical |
Thermonucl. | thermonuclear |
Thes. | thesaurus |
Thess. | (in the Bible) Thessalonians |
Tim. | (in the Bible) Timothy |
Tit. | (in the Bible) Titus |
Topogr. | topography, topographic(al) |
tr. | translation, translating |
Trad. | tradition, traditional |
Trag. | tragedy |
trans. | transitive |
Trans. | transaction(s) |
transf. | transferred sense |
transl. | translation, translating |
Transl. | translation |
Transubstant. | transubstantiation |
Trav. | travel(s) |
Treas. | treasurer, treasury |
Treat. | treatise |
Treatm. | treatment |
Trib. | tribune |
Trig. | trigonometry |
Trigonom. | trigonometry |
Trop. | tropical |
Troub. | troublesome |
Troubl. | troublesome |
Typog. | typography |
Typogr. | typography |
U Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
U.K. | United Kingdom |
ult. | ultimately |
Univ. | university |
unkn. | unknown |
Unnat. | unnatural |
Unoffic. | unofficial |
unstr. | unstressed |
Urin. | urinary |
U.S. | United States |
U.S.A.F. | United States Air Force |
U.S.S.R. | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
usu. | usually |
Utilit. | utilitarian |
V Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
v. | verb |
Va. | Virginia |
Vac. | vacation |
Valedict. | valediction |
var. | variant |
varr. | variants |
vars. | variants |
vb. | verb |
vbl. | verbal |
vbl.n. | verbal noun |
vbl. ns. | verbal nouns |
vbs. | verbs |
Veg. | vegetable |
Veg. Phys. | vegetable physiology |
Veg. Physiol. | vegetable physiology |
Venet. | Venetian |
Vertebr. | vertebrate |
Vet. | veterinary, veterinary science |
Vet. Med. | veterinary medicine |
Vet. Path. | veterinary pathology |
Vet. Sci. | veterinary science |
Vet. Surg. | veterinary surgery |
Vic. | Victoria |
Vict. | Victoria |
Vind. | vindication, vindicated |
Vindic. | vindication, vindicated |
Virg. | virgin(s) |
Virol. | virology |
viz. | videlicet, ‘namely’ |
Voc. | vocabulary |
Vocab. | vocabulary |
Vol. | volume |
Vols. | volumes |
Voy. | voyage(s) |
v.r. | variant reading |
v.rr. | variant readings |
vulg. | vulgar(ly) |
Vulg. | vulgar |
Vulg. | Vulgate |
W Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
w. | west |
W. | west, western |
W. Afr. | West Africa(n) |
Warwicksh. | Warwickshire |
wd. | word |
Wd. | word |
west. | western |
Westm. | Westminster |
Westmld. | Westmoreland |
Westmorld. | Westmoreland |
Westmrld. | Westmoreland |
Will. | William |
Wilts. | Wiltshire |
Wiltsh. | Wiltshire |
W. Ind. | West Indies, West Indian |
W. Indies | West Indies |
Wis. | Wisconsin |
Wisd. | wisdom |
Wisd. | (in the Apocrypha) Wisdom of Solomon |
wk. | weak |
Wk. | week |
Wk. | work |
Wkly. | weekly |
Wks. | works |
Wonderf. | wonderful |
Worc. | Worcestershire |
Worcestersh. | Worcestershire |
Worcs. | Worcestershire |
Writ. | writing(s) |
W. Va. | West Virginia |
Y Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Yearbk. | yearbook |
Yng. | young |
Yorks. | Yorkshire |
Yorksh. | Yorkshire |
Yr. | year |
Yrs. | years |
Z Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kısaltmalar
Zech. | (in the Bible) Zechariah |
Zeitschr. | Zeitschrift |
Zeph. | (in the Bible) Zephaniah |
Zoogeogr. | zoogeography |
Zool. | zoology, zoological |
Günlük araştırmalarınızda karşınıza sık çıkma ihtimali yüksek olan 1300 civarı ingilizce kısaltma kelimeleri açıklamaları ile beraber paylaştığımız yazımızın sonuna geldiniz.